We use the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework to set standards for the learning, development and care of all our children. Our experienced staff deliver a stimulating environment with exciting activities that reflect the interests of the children.
We have various other programmes that are delivered alongside the EYFS to support children in their learning and development:
Basket of Opportunities (BOO) is aimed at children aged between 18 months and three years. It gives parents resources to develop and learn with their children at home and for staff to use in nursery. It concentrates on three areas of learning:
Personal, social and emotional development (PSED)
Communications and language
We work closely with both the parents/carers and their child over six weeks using the BOO toys, books etc that have been carefully selected to support them. The parent/carer keeps the resources for six weeks so they can continue the learning at home.
Letters and sounds - we deliver this programme which focuses on communication, language and literacy in the Early Years Foundation Stage. It links sounds and letters and includes segmenting and blending familiar words out loud.
PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) - is for children with an autism spectrum disorder or other developmental disabilities. It teaches them to exchanges pictures for an item or activity they really want.
Communication Boards - this programme is for children with limited speech. We provide the children with pictures and common words they can point to so they can communicate with us and express their needs.
Book bags - our two year olds take home book bags which contain a book and props relating to the story. This encourages them to develop an interest in reading and helps them to share stories with their parents/carers. Our pre-school children can take library books home which they choose themselves.
Superhero bears - the bears were introduced to encourage two way communication between nursery and home. The children take the bears home and when they return to nursery they are encouraged to talk to the staff and their friends about what they have done together. This has helped children open up about their home life and become more confident talking to adults and in groups.
Rachel, our dance teacher, visits every week and Jules from Signing Tots comes to see us every fortnight to work with the children.
The library regularly delivers books for our children to read and enjoy and we are also lucky enough to have visits from people in the local community including the police, dentist and firefighters.
Out and about
We have annual visits to Hall Hill Farm, Raby Castle, the Life Centre, Sealife Centre, Beamish museum and the seaside as well as trips to the park, town and local shops. These activities help the children learn about the world around them.