At Parkside we understand the importance of teaching children about staying healthy from a young age.
We provide nutritionally-balanced menus for all our children. Our menus change twice a year and are based around seasonal fruit and vegetables, ensuring children get the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Menus are displayed in the nursery.
Each day we provide a healthy breakfast, lunch and tea as well as a morning and afternoon snack and drinking water is available throughout the day. We cater for vegetarian and other dietary needs. To see sample menus click here.
We also run the Let's Brush Toothbrush Programme which teaches the importance of looking after our teeth. All children have their own toothbrush and toothpaste at nursery so they can brush their teeth every day.
We were the first nursery in the area to be awarded Millie' Mark - given to those who provide the highest possible first aid for the children in their care.
Being active is very important to us and all the children play outside and take part in fun activities that keep them moving. We go on regular walks and tend our garden - whatever the weather! A dance teacher also comes in each week to work with the children.